Monday, January 03, 2011

Just now went to Geylang wif Aty andand Naziie .
Lazy to elaborate so , i will list it out (:

  • Went meet Naziie
  • Took bus from tamp to geylang (:
  • Aty took our bus from her house
  • reach city plaza , buy sch skirt .
  • window shop at city plaza
  • have dinnerat haig road
  • went met my father jab at malay village (:
  • went to bedok for naziee skirt andand aty skirt
  • took bus from bedok to geylang
  • reach thr , went see kude kepang (:
  • chiao at 10.45 ,
  • took bus from geylang to bedok
  • ambik naziee skirt
  • took bus 28 and reach home abt 11.33 ?(:
Aty ajak Mul andand Naziie to p grandlink wif Yan , mataehh yan , hafiz and Bobo .
but , kiterhh got to go home . so yeah (: andand , Naziie , tc bile pt m'sia (:
ok , Tmr sch reopen and i have already siap all the barang barang (:
andand , i just realise , budak electro hot hot siaaaaaaaaaaak (:
can i have one of them ? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
mul sound so despo siia (:
ok laaaa , till here (:

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