Saturday, January 08, 2011

Heyloooooooo (:
sorry for not updating (:
sch fuuun (: sec 3 Nt and Sec 4 Nt , class , sume same level (:
hehs (: and , im the Assistant Class monitress again (:
anw , ikrima cute (: i loikeee (:
and , my F.t and Aft , sume geyrek geyrek (:
Siak uhr , rambot arhku da colour itam blek , then , colour keluar balek -.-
mcm puhkiii -.- naaaaaah , i will spray my hair (: HAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAH !
malaaaas nark colour itam blek (:
semalam , dpt puji dri my cikgu (: kembang jaaab mul (:
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ i loike (:
My sci class same class as hym -.- fvck laaaaaaaa !
but boohoo . who care ?(:
i have move on andand , im so not into relationship for now(:
Just wait for my true loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
10 January , budak ite bukaak skola . Andand , my ex , dpt gy Ite simei . mak oii !
conferm terserempak siaaaa -.-
mcm soyaaaaaaaaal ~ ncc training , not tired coz ade Fancy drill
andand , mayb im participating the syf open ceremony andand Ndp under NCC , school unit(:
\its my dream liao
And , Amirul adeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
Mul sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
Tmr , Sri Ulan

I loike (:

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