Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Hi everyone (:
like i said at my fb , am gonna blog abt my bestfriend , gonzales . (:
He new to Changkat and when his first day here , i remember i hate  hym so much . because of somth make mee hate hym . suddenly , when he started to msg me and all , we become close till we are bestfriend this date ; 250211 (:
and , owh . amadi jealous of my friendship , me and Gonzales (:
chill uh didie smackyourdick (:  hheheheheerh >< and , You show up when I'm lonely , You stay when i depressed .
all of my rude comments , You shrug awaak in jest .
You cheer me when I'm sad ,You catch me when i fall (:

Till here ((: byebye (:

This is the clip i bought from parkway . kersian eyh . gy jauhjauh , cume clip je aku beli :p

<----- i love my hair colour  
meet charipa elder sistoooooooooooor (:
believe it or not , she is one year older then me .
she cool y'know (: she may look quiet buut , she kechoo like us (:

went to parkway . many funny things happen . haiyyyyyyyyyya .
upsez and zaza ' s tissuee . please ehk :p and , yes , kwn zahirah stare semacm siaa :p
went home abt 6 plus ? (: am too tired . blek , tros on lappy  . chatted wif Eillah ,  Gonzales , aggroboy , Liyana ( nani ' s cuzzy ) , dyla azman (:
they are just so sweet (: they listen to my problem wif love (: and they cheer me up . lagk lagk eillah and dyla (: they are awesome . and yes , chat wif nani's second younger sisterr , Suzy (:
she so cute and funny laaa (: sape sape dpt die conferm untong . but too bad , nani tark bagk die in r/s . sometime i find nani weird . idk why . bohooo , who care . weird tark weird tetap aku syng (:
and yes , adk die so cute(: die panggil aku kakak ipar die . amiin , klw ade jodoh laa kn (:
azeerah Jamal maken sombong -____-
azeerah Jamal maken sombong 
 currently wall chat wif qurisyna (: gilo siooo die (:
till here , byebye (:

assalamualaaikum (:

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Later gonna meet this idiotic pretty head and her sistaaa.(:
parkway behbeh c:
and yes , chatted wif Froggy , Charipaah , Ahcit Smile , Gonzaleeees And Eillah . =D
Froggy and Charipaah gile siaak , ahhahahaha . mendak , dgr lagu kelantan and dangdut . tt kill my boredom like seriously c: and , I miss Gonzales . Like please ! one day must go out tgthr gather . wait , a group outing ((: . and dylah ' jack having obs now (:
idk whats wrong wif nad , well , yes , she have came back from indonesiia ! yay ! (:
today , i dont think am meeting love . tark nk torn . nant conferm mama tark bagk . ok laaa , till here(:

Monday, June 06, 2011

Just now suppose to meet zaza and her sister to parkway crik clip . then tbetbe , her parents tark bagk . well , i dont marah her because i understand (: there always a next tym .  coincedence , love ajak jumpe  and hys parents just now . have a little conflict .
i feel like givin up . i nearly burst to tears just now . but love ' s sister make my day . sume friendly eventhough ade minah look . well , dont judge a book by its cover . aft gy umah love kt marine parade , buss to tamp inter betolkn hp mommy die . and yes , talking abt his mommy , his mommy pon supporting (: aft that teman die p changi general hospital . its been more then a month adq sdare die masok icu accident . adq sdare die lagk satu so friendly . heheheh >< and , yes , hys ex kechyk sanchi came back to hys life and mine too . she ' s the one who seperate the both of us before and now , let see . hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  ayank so cute please ><
ayank , Nani ' s younger sisteeeer . (:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Like finally , Mye over . those picha show am really happy tt mye have over (: No more stress
and ,many things happen those days . but , i try to be happy and smile no matter what (: today is my 3 month of being single (: woooooooohoooooo , congrats to me (: cheyhhh ; :DD
just now went to Hajjah maimunnah restaurant wif ahcit smile family
damn fun siia ! HAAHAHAHAH >< yesterday went to my lil bro 's house at bedok . omg , the house so  same mcm tpy . and i miss tpy (: LOL !  AHHAHAHA >< ok laaa , i think till here (:

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Sunday, May 01, 2011

( more at nadzirah ' s fb )

those picture was when the legongs pegy swimming (:
ilangkn stress before exam laa katekn :p
we did have alot of fun (: lot of laughter(:
and , tmr , gonna have a study group wif kechoorables . but this tym , Danial Gonzales And Ifraq aggroboy tagg along (: conferm beysok fun (: hehs , now adays , i spend more tym wif my normal acad bestfriendd .
buut tt doesn't mean i ditch my nt friend ok ?(: its just tt well , (: hehs , ok gtg (: byebye (: look forward for tmr :D

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hello , My blog is dead ryt ? IKR :D
am updating my blog . ok sch fuun (: and , yes . i am in love wif my bestfriend (: who ? hahahah , i wont tell u guys (: fuck , tmr schooling . and yes , 27 , am taking over (:
oh ya ! malay dance syf , we achieve gold ! finally, our effort paid off (:
am holding on to admin officer (: at last ye dpt :p ahahahahah ! i think till here . Mom da bising , so byebye (:

currently : am in love wif my bestfriend (:

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sheera Monyeette <3<3

cheer up ok bby ? remember , your bbyg will always by yourside .
allah sayang die lebeyh dri sheera , tt why (: sheera tark mo nangis ok ? sheera nangis , lagk laaaa mayat die tark leyhh tenang . dadada , now , sheera make the rest of your family proud ok ?(: bnyk kn Al-fateha . and sawry mul tark ikot sheera pergy kubor . mul blom mand berseyhh andand mul ade ugama . am sorry , buut aft muul nyee ugama , muul p umah sheera ok ?(: cheer up bby .

Friday, April 01, 2011

i will be back blogging (:
blogging tetap pujaan hati ku :p cheyhhhhhh , hahahaha ~
my blog is dead , so yeaaah (:
malay dance syf coming , a few more trainings to go ,and saaaaaaaaap ~ syf . please , we really aiming for gold , yes , gold (: many thing happen when term 1 (: hehs , i think till here (:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Hello (: Yes , i have not blog ryt ?(: hehs , i am moving to tumblr (:
actually , mul da ade tumblr da lame . cume malas nark jage tumblr and blog . so , i decided to tumblr-ing (:
no worries , mul letak tb pt tumblr mul (:
so yeaaaah :D
anw , ue can find me at this following url  and owhh , keep the tagged rolling ayye  (:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Heyloo (:
HEHS , idk , im having my ups or down just now .
Haish , i think , i have move on , but ntaa ayy . whenever i try to move on , our memories will hunt me ):
im trying to forget our memories w/o hatin ue or whatsoever . buuuuuuuut well , I just can ' t .
yes , i can say to all or even your gf , i have move on , but i want ue to remember , eventhough , your GF did say , she are not angry or whatsover , but i want ue to remember , i wont confess this to anyone except to my bestfriend andand my blog . and just now , it all a fake smile (:
hehs (:
but , i just want ue to know , i miss the memory when we are together (':
and yeah , happy 9monthsary , no worries , i will forget abt hym soon aqai (:
soon yes (: i promise (:

Ok , just now sch was fun (:
aft art , mul and naziie , tibe tibe hypeeeeeeeeer(:
Finally ayy Aizuddin berbual wif mul (: and diee so siyal , don wanna help me buwad kn my so called art pieces , tawu nark buwadkn kaw peyhh sayang je -.-
f ue laaaa aizudddin . AHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAAH !
sci tadk , mul hypeeeeeer gile , mayb , im covering my sadness ryt ?(':
IJustDonCare , Tmr im going councelling (':
i need Mdm Habibah ): ok Mul , tark mo steep manje (:
Had md just now , swear its tiring and stress . and tmr , ade md training again -.-
 maklumlaaaaa , SYF coming maaaaaah (:
Skola ite dahr bukak , and this two days , tark terserempaak hym (:
B A G O S (:

ToMyLovableEx :
i'm sorry i hurt you
i'm sorry i made you cry
i'm sorry i went away
without even saying good-bye
i'm sorry i lied
 i'm sorry i treated you bad
i'm sorry i let you go
now i'm the one feeling bad
now if you dont except my apology
then that's okay  

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Heyloooooooo (:
sorry for not updating (:
sch fuuun (: sec 3 Nt and Sec 4 Nt , class , sume same level (:
hehs (: and , im the Assistant Class monitress again (:
anw , ikrima cute (: i loikeee (:
and , my F.t and Aft , sume geyrek geyrek (:
Siak uhr , rambot arhku da colour itam blek , then , colour keluar balek -.-
mcm puhkiii -.- naaaaaah , i will spray my hair (: HAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAH !
malaaaas nark colour itam blek (:
semalam , dpt puji dri my cikgu (: kembang jaaab mul (:
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ i loike (:
My sci class same class as hym -.- fvck laaaaaaaa !
but boohoo . who care ?(:
i have move on andand , im so not into relationship for now(:
Just wait for my true loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
10 January , budak ite bukaak skola . Andand , my ex , dpt gy Ite simei . mak oii !
conferm terserempak siaaaa -.-
mcm soyaaaaaaaaal ~ ncc training , not tired coz ade Fancy drill
andand , mayb im participating the syf open ceremony andand Ndp under NCC , school unit(:
\its my dream liao
And , Amirul adeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
Mul sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
Tmr , Sri Ulan

I loike (:

Monday, January 03, 2011

Dahulu-Wiz-Glare SheilaBunny

Just now went to Geylang wif Aty andand Naziie .
Lazy to elaborate so , i will list it out (:

  • Went meet Naziie
  • Took bus from tamp to geylang (:
  • Aty took our bus from her house
  • reach city plaza , buy sch skirt .
  • window shop at city plaza
  • have dinnerat haig road
  • went met my father jab at malay village (:
  • went to bedok for naziee skirt andand aty skirt
  • took bus from bedok to geylang
  • reach thr , went see kude kepang (:
  • chiao at 10.45 ,
  • took bus from geylang to bedok
  • ambik naziee skirt
  • took bus 28 and reach home abt 11.33 ?(:
Aty ajak Mul andand Naziie to p grandlink wif Yan , mataehh yan , hafiz and Bobo .
but , kiterhh got to go home . so yeah (: andand , Naziie , tc bile pt m'sia (:
ok , Tmr sch reopen and i have already siap all the barang barang (:
andand , i just realise , budak electro hot hot siaaaaaaaaaaak (:
can i have one of them ? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
mul sound so despo siia (:
ok laaaa , till here (:

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year (:
i didnt go for countdown yeterday and i really regret for not following Naziiee pergy countdown -_-
sch gonna reopen in 2 days time .
everything settle (: hehs , currently chatting wif FARIS (:
and owhh , iqbal dhar att ? Last long yeeee nan kwn singa (:
yesterday chat wif Ahcit and adawiyaah .
Ahcit , cheer up cuzzy (: just move on and owhh , its time for ue to change (:
i promise , i will help ue change too (:
2010 sucks huh ? lets hope 2011 will be much more betta (:
gonna repierce andand cut fringe soon (:

Kaw bile ade hal , crik arhku . then now , darh ade KAKAK angkat baru , buang arhku and adawiyaah
eyhh , baek laa prng kaw . da laaa cacat -.- suare kaw p btl kn (: arhku nark step minah ?
cukor kening ? fuhhh ; ferm tark ferm siul ? kaw maseyhh kecik k baii ?
kimak , klw arhku tawu laaaa ginie mcm , puas haty kaw tark yaa masok Changkat Changi kn ? -.-
eyhh , kaw pkir klw kakak angkat kaw ade , kaw selamat ? heyloo , die blom tawu prng btol kaw sial ! -.-